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Suggested Readings in Sex and Disability

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Boller, F. and Frank, F., Sexual Dysfunction in Neurological Disorders, Raven Press, New York, 1982.

Brownworth, V. and Paffo, S. (Editors), Restricted Access: Lesbians on Disability, Seal Press, 1999.

Caldwell, P. and Reynolds, S., Positive Relationships: A Sexuality Education Curriculum for Persons with Serious Mental Illness, Planned Parenthood of Southern Arizona, 1994.

Ducharme, S., Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury, in The Rehabilitation of People with Spinal Cord Injury, Nesathurai (editor), Blackwell Sciences, 2000.

Ducharme, S. and Gill, K., Sexuality after Spinal Cord Injury: Answers to Your Questions, Paul Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, Maryland, 1997.

Ducharme, S., (Editor), Journal of Sexuality and Disability, Human Sciences Press, New York.

Fairbairn, G., Rowley, D. and Bowen, M., Sexuality, Learning Difficulties and Doing What’s Right. Taylor and Francis, 1995.

Griffin, L., Informed Consent: Sexuality and People with Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for Professional Decision Making, ARC Publishers, 1996.

Haseltine, F. P., Cole, S. and Gray, D., Reproductive Issues for Persons with Physical Disabilities, Paul Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, Maryland, 1993.

Kempton, W. and Stiggail-Muccigrosso, L., An Easy Guide to Loving Carefully for Men and Women. Winifred Kempton Associates, 1997.

Kroll, K and Levy-Klein, E., Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships for the Disabled, Harmony Books, New York, 1992.

Leyson, J., Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient, Humana Press, Clifton, New Jersey, 1991.

Mackelprang, R. and Valentine, D., Sexuality and Disability: A Guide for Human Service Practioners, Haworth Press, 1996.

Marks, Linda and Russo, H., Barrier Free: Serving Young Women with Disabilities, Women’s Educational Equity Act Publishing Center, 1991.

Neistadt, M. and Freda, M., Choices: A Guide to Sexual Counseling With Physically Disabled Adults, Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar, Florida, 1987.

Rabin, B., The Sensuous Wheeler, Multi Media Resource Center, 1980.

Radford, T., MS and Sexuality: Managing Specific Issues, National MS Society, 2000.

Rogers, J. Maisumura, M., Mother To Be: A Guide for Pregnancy and Birth for Women With Disabilities, Demos Medical Publishers, 1991.

Sandowski, C., Sexual Concerns When Illness or Disability Strikes, Charles Thomas Publisher, 1989.

Schover, L. and Jensen, S., Sexuality and Chronic Illness: A Comprehensive Approach, Guilford Publications, 1988.

Simpson, K., (Editor), The Family Education Program, Planned Parenthood, 1990.

Sipski, M. and Alexander, C., Sexual Functioning in People with Disability and Chronic Illness, Aspen Publications, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1997.

Steege, Mark and Syl, Social Skills and Sex Education: Sex Education and Self Care for the Forgotten Adult, Program Development Associates, 1998.

Tepper, M., Providing Comprehensive Sexual Health Care in Spinal Cord Injury Health Care: Continuing Education and Training for Health Care Professionals, The Sexual Health Network, 1997.

Woodword, J., Signs of Sexual Behavior: An Introduction to Some Sex Related Vocabulary in American Sign Language, T.J. Publishers. 1979.


All of US Talking Together: Sex Education for People With Developmental Disabilities. Program Development Associates. (800) 543-2119.

Sexuality Reborn, Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, West Orange, New Jersey, 1-(800)-435-8866.

Talking About Sexual Issues and Spinal Cord Injury, 50 West Second Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, (604) 872-7000.

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