Dr. Ducharme lectures on the status of rehabilitation in Africa" Tanzania, Africa, 2017
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Dr. Ducharme poses with the President of ISPRM 2016 before conducting a Consumer Workshop on Sexuality at the World Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in May 2016
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Dr. Ducharme traveled to Nepal to work with the psychosocial team at the Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre shortly after the April 25, 2015 earthquake.
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Webinar by Dr. Ducharme on Sexuality and Multiple Sclerosis

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Dr. Ducharme lectures
in Las Vegas during September 2013 regarding the psychosocial
components of elearnSCI.org,
a global educational resource on spinal
cord injury.
(click here, create a password and navigate the site at no charge).
Click here to find out more about Boston University School of Medicine's Transgender Medicine Program.

Dr. Ducharme being recognized by the President Elect of the International Spinal Cord Society for his contributions to the new international textbook on the management of spinal injuries. (Montreal, 2015).
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