| In 2012, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary celebration, Dr.
Ducharme was recognized for his many contributions to the Spinal Injury
Rehabilitation Center, Nepal | | Dr. Ducharme is interviewed by the media in Saudi Arabia after his
consultation on psychological isssues regarding disability in Riyad
during 2011 | | Dr.
Ducharme exchanges greetings with The President of Nepal, Dr. Ram Baran
Yadav, during a 2009 consultation to that country. |
Ducharme is honored in March 2006 for his consultation
and work at the 2006 ISSICON Meeting in New Delhi, India. |
New Article by Dr. Ducharme:
Female Sexual Functioning and Dysfunction |
New Article by Dr. Ducharme:
The Effects of the Aging Process on Sexual Behavior, Attitudes and Functioning |
Ducharme, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and consultant
specializing in the areas of sexual dysfunction, gender,
physical disability, addictions, relationship issues and
concerns of daily living. With over 25 years of clinical
experience, Dr. Ducharme has worked with a wide variety
of problems and has gained national and international recognition
for the scope and quality of his work.
addition to his private practice in the south end of Boston,
Dr. Ducharme is affiliated with Boston Medical Center and
Boston University School of Medicine. His professional activities
include serving on the Board of Directors for several national
associations, editing an international journal and writing
numerous articles, columns and books.
Ducharme is a leading speaker at conferences and meetings
around the world on issues of sexual dysfunction, physical
disability and rehabilitation. He is an experienced international
consultant to hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and community
based programs.
Ducharme is currently accepting new patients in his private
practice and is available for lectures, workshops and ongoing

people with disabilities received little information on sexuality
and were often regarded as non-sexual and incapable of an intimate
Dr. Stanley Ducharme
individual must mourn losses and develop coping strategies that
will validate the meaningfulness of post injury life."
Dr. Stanley Ducharme
embarrassment often keeps people from seeking help about personal
issues. Sexual problems tend to be long lasting and difficult
to resolve on one’s own. Many times, talking to a professional
about these matters can be a tremendous relief and the first
step in finding a solution. . ."
Dr. Stanley Ducharme
Hi Dr. Ducharme;
My name is Julie and I recently found your website. I was very impressed to see that your site even mentioned the words sex and disability in the same sentence. You don't know how hard it is to find information on this issue. I am a 46 year old woman with cerebral palsy. I have been married before and have 3 children. The reason I went to your page was that I am divorced and in a relationship with a man who has a lack of sexual desire. I was trying to find solutions to this problem. You have a lot of good information on your web page. I just want to thank you for the articles you wrote and to tell you that there is a person who appreciates it. Thanks again.

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"On September 26, 2015 Dr. Ducharme was awarded a Life Time Achievement Award by the Minister of Health, Government of India for his work with people with spinal cord injuries in India over the last 22 years." Dr. Ducharme received the award in New Delhi, India on his return from working with earthquake survivors with disabilities in Nepal. |
"On September 8, 2015, Dr. Ducharme was honored with the Clinical Performance Award of the Association of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals at their annual meeting in New Orleans." |